Walk into any major office building, and most likely you will see plants strategically placed around the space. Often blending in, and enhancing the interior designs, these plants are necessary additions to the space to complete the intended look.
In the world of interior design, the interior landscape designer often goes unnoticed, yet their impact on creating vibrant and harmonious spaces is undeniable. Interior landscaping involves more than just placing a few pots around the room. It's the art of bringing nature indoors through the strategic placement of plants and greenery. Interior landscape designers work with unique challenges presented by indoor environments. Their goal is to enhance the overall atmosphere of the space to not only beautify but also contribute to a healthier and more comfortable environment.

Interior Landscape Designers...
1. Conduct Space Analysis
Interior landscape designers consider light, temperature, and humidity levels when determining the types of plants that will thrive in a particular setting. This requires a thorough understanding of plant species and their environment requirements.
2. Design Conceptualization
The designers create a conceptual plan for the interior landscaping project. This includes selecting the right mix of plants, considering their sizes, shapes, and colors, and their placement within the space. The goal is to create a visually appealing and cohesive design that compliments the overall design of the space.
3. Plant Selection
Interior landscape designers have in-depth knowledge of plant-species and their characteristics. They carefully select plants for the indoor environment and coordinate with nurseries and suppliers to procure the plants they need.
4. Installation & Maintenance
Once the design is confirmed, the interior landscape designer oversees the installation and maintenance of the plants. Typically an interior horticultural technician will take over the care of the plants on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to monitor the health of the plants and provide necessary care to ensure longevity.
5. Environmental Consideration
Beyond aesthetics, interior landscape designers are mindful of the environmental impact of their designs. They consider factors such as air quality improvement, noise reduction, and overall well-being of occupants. Spaces are created to not only look good, but to contribute positively to the indoor environment.
Interior landscape designers are vital to creating a modern, vibrant space. Their expertise goes well beyond mere decoration, encompassing a deep understanding of horticulture, design principles, and environmental considerations. As businesses increasingly recognize the benefits of bringing nature indoors, the role of interior landscape designers becomes even more significant. These creative professionals are the green thumbs behind the scenes making our indoor environments healthier, more beautiful and more connected to nature.
If you are interested in adding plants to your space, reach out to us for a FREE Consultation with one of our Interior Landscape Designers!